Acquired Lands

Our Work » Conservation » Acquired Lands
Green Durham Association - Image of rolling hills and trail. Photo by Michael Nelson - 800

We were instrumental in the negotiations that led to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority acquiring the properties known as the Pleasure Valley and Wilder Forest lands, and the Skyloft property. GDA made a substantial donation of time and funds to help these acquisitions go forward.

Wilder Forest and Pleasure Valley
We identified and assisted in the purchase of a trail linkage that connects the Wilder Forest lands to the TRCA’s Brock properties to the south. Four hundred and thirty five acres of the Pleasure Valley lands was acquired by GDA member Bill Wilder; subsequently TRCA acquired 250 acres of this land and the Wilder family donated a land connection valued at $1,000,000 to enable public access to the beautiful Wilder Forest.

We helped negotiate acquisition of lands which enabled the Oak Ridges Trails Association to establish a safer better trail connection east to Scugog township. As a result of this accomplishment, the TRCA decided to acquire the nearby Skyloft lands and associated network of trails situated just to the west. After discussion with a GDA member, an adjacent landowner agreed to enter into a trail easement with the TRCA to provide the connection from Lakeridge Road into the Skyloft lands.

Green Durham Association - Winter Landscape image by Michael Nelson.

Goodwood Tract
In 2010 we negotiated the acquisition by TRCA of a trail corridor between two landowners which connected TRCA’s Goodwood Tract lands and what is now the northern part of Rouge National Urban Park. Once Parks Canada officials have completed trail connections, the corridor will become a critical connection leading from trail systems in Uxbridge off road all the way to Toronto and urban areas to the south.

Uxbridge Countryside Preserve
We were centrally involved in the creation of the much-loved 140-acre Uxbridge Countryside Preserve, situated on the edge of town, an extensive Trail system within the town of Uxbridge. The Preserve opened in 2005.

Green Durham Association - Image of The Tree - Photo by Catherine Holden


Green Durham Association - Image of two people walking on a trail in the fall. Photo by Catherine Holden

Trail Visions

Green Durham Association - Image of Fly Agaric - Amanita muscaria - mushrooms. - Photo by Catherine Holden


Green Durham Association - Image of Brock tract of land.

Protection / Perservation